Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Auto Insurance Quotes Can Save Up To $600 - How Much Will You Save?

I was burning mad, and so was my 24 year old son. We had both just gotten our car insurance bills in the mail, and we opened them to find both our rates had just been hiked -- again! This wasn't the first time our company (we both were insured by the same "big-name" insurance company) had raised our rates, but we were both so angry one thing was for sure... it would be the last time!

Save Money By Getting Multiple Auto Insurance QuotesMy son, who was interested in getting lower rates for himself and his 23 year old fiance, took matters into his own hands and hopped online to do some research, and get some auto insurance quotes. I must say I wasn't very optimistic about his chances of finding a good company at a lower cost, but only a few minutes had passed when he said, "Hey Dad, I think you should check this out."

I looked over his shoulder and I was blown away by what I saw. The rate he was being quoted was fully $570 less than what he was paying to that "big-name" company - for identical coverage! When he was finished saving money for himself and his fiance, I jumped on his laptop and quickly saved myself over $500. That's why I put this site up... I want you to be able to get the same auto insurance quotes we did, and save big money. You may not save as much as we did - typical savings average $431 - but that's nothing to sneeze at, is it?

Look, don't just take my word for it, OK? It will take you less than 10 minutes to get your quotes, it won't cost you a dime, and you won't have to make any phone calls - so what have you got to lose? Click through right now... you'll be glad you did.


Get Auto Insurance Quotes From 7 Companies:

Save Money By Getting Multiple Auto Insurance Quotes

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